January 20, 2010

Are you feeling sluggish???

Last week I went to the gynocologist for my annual exam.  Actually it had been 18 months.  I complained about a side ache on my left side that I had been experiencing that was getting worse.  They were more concerned about other things.  So after a lot of tests here is what the results have been so far.  I have hypothyroidism. 

I went to see my primary doctor yesterday so that he could prescribe the necessary drug.  He asked me the following questions:  Have you had any weight gain lately?  Yes - two lbs, but hey I did eat a lot of goodies at Christmas.   Have you had any night sweats?  I doubt you would consider night sweats when your electric blanket is set at too high of a setting.  Have you had any chills?  It is January and we live in Iowa.  Enough said.  Is your skin dry?  Again, it is January and we live in Iowa.  Are you feeling sluggish?  Well, I didn't think so as I exercise a lot (in fact I have increased my workouts) and I had even walked to his office. 

I am anemic.  My periods are irregular and guess what - I am beginning menopause.  Oh and I have a bladder infection.

Everyone is surprised that I am not feeling "sluggish" and tired all the time.  So today after thinking about it a lot I have decided to take it easy and work on some small projects.  It is killing me.  I want to rip the wallpaper off the wall and start patching plaster and painting.

Frugality does not come into play with my health nor my family's health.  I do not enjoy my annual checkups but I still go.  So if you have not made an appointment and you are past due, call your doctor and get it scheduled.  Don't miss the fun that I had. 

Oh and as to the side ache - they think I have been exercising too much and I may have pulled a muscle. Just in case I am going to have an ultrasound and I have scheduled my annual mammogram in a couple of weeks also.

In the meantime, I will take the iron pills, multi vitamins, synthroid and amoxicillin.  I have pronounced myself old, but I am not sluggish!!!


Tammy said...

Thank God that it's something you can control with medication. All that worrying we do..... :D)

Martha said...

I always go for the worst case scenario and then I work my way backwards. My husband always says that he never worries as I do the worrying for both of us.

Also this afternoon I spent an hour outside smashing the ice on our sidewalks (we have a corner lot) and then shoveling the ice. So I am definitely not sluggish. It was quite a work out.

JadePatterson said...

I highly recommend you try thyroid iodine supplements for at least two weeks. It makea a difference.