March 15, 2010

Great Deals from Christine "The Menu Mom"

Christine, "The Menu Mom," has a great deal going on her beautiful aprons and Kid Approved Meals Binders that she wants to unload quickly.

She writes "The aprons are made out of boutique high end materials. They are beautiful! They would be perfect for Easter, Mother's Day or Birthday presents. I am selling them at my cost - $17 for women's & $15 for kids which includes shipping & tax. (They retail for $30 plus shipping & tax, so you are getting them 1/2 off). I only have a few of each pattern, so it's first come, first serve."

"For Kid Approved Meals, this is the e-book I sell at (and some of you may already have) I just revised it last week, so this is the new and improved version. It includes 13 weeks of breakfast & lunch menus with grocery shopping lists, as well as 27 pages of snack ideas. The fun part is that I had custom binders printed to hold the book. These are a limited edition item, as I probably will not get any more binders printed. The price is $20 which includes shipping & tax. The ebook on the website is $14.95. So for $5 more you get 117 pages printed (You can hardly print it at home for that price) plus you get the cute binder & it shipped to you! It's a great deal! Once again, I am just recouping my cost, not making a profit. I just need these out of my house. :) And as I said before it is first come, first serve until we run out."

You can see pictures & shop here:

I purchased the red apron with some money I received for my birthday.  This fits in with my retro kitchen decor perfectly and I couldn't make one for that price. 

These items would make wonderful gifts and they do fall into my frugal category of being a great product and a great deal.  So wander on over to Christine's blog "Dine without Whine" and snatch up some great gifts.

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