June 17, 2011

I'm going to take a break for a few days

I have a lot to do around my house over the next several days.  I need to totally declutter as I put so many things on hold while I was painting and getting ready for my son's graduation party.  

I'll post when I can but I will definitely be back to regular blogging in a week.  Also I have moved the start date to our Tightwad Gazette Book III reading to June 27th.   

Some projects I need to think about for the future is getting back to a Household notebook or organizer of some kind.  I have not been using mine for the past year and it definitely shows.  Also I have only been working out 3 times a week and I need to up the ante and get myself to Curves 6 times a week. 

Do you have any organizational projects or personal goals for the summer?


Anonymous said...

Hope you have a nice break - you have been working very hard.


Sharon said...

Enjoy your break! Decluttering is always a mood lifter for me! Happy Graduation to your son!!