January 08, 2012

I'll be back tomorrow - Been Decluttering!!!

Over the past 2 weeks I have decluttered my house from top to bottom and have just one last corner of the basement that needs sorted and tossed.  It is a good feeling to have given away and thrown away things that we don't need, don't use and are just taking up space.

The impetus to all of this is that our college girls are moving in tonight.  So every spare moment or perhaps should I say every time I felt like "digging in" I have done just that.  I gave away clothing, books, old c.d.'s and other items that we no longer needed. 

I feel like the queen of my castle since everything has a place and a purpose.   Which, as Martha Stewart says, "Is a good thing." 

Tomorrow I will post a little bit of this and that as to what I am working on for the year.


Debs said...

Well done you! Our house soooo needs that, but with a toddler who's sort of decided if might me potty training time and an almost 3 week old baby, i'm lucky if i keep up with the washing up and laundry at the moment!

Debs said...

(oh and i was popping by to see if you'd posted, and if you hadn't i was going to leave a little hello message, asking if you were ok, so i'm glad you are)